Monday, January 8, 2018

10 Keys To Personal Power

1. Clarity 
"Have vision. Determine what you want to be, do or have in life.  Have a sense of direction and know where you’re going.  If you do not have clear specific goals in life, you are doomed forever to work for others who do." what this "key" means is that Have vision of what you are doing in life, you must know what you want to be or want to achieve. Have a sense of direction and know what path you are going to take and where you want to end. And how hard do you push yourself to get things done? Wanting to do something and motivating yourself to actually do it are two different things. So, what’s the difference between those who never reach their goals, year after year, and those who achieve one goal after another? Often, it’s their self-motivation. Self-motivation is the force that keeps pushing us to go on – it’s our internal drive to achieve, produce, develop, and keep moving forward. Also with self-motivation, you’ll learn and grow – regardless of the specific situation. That’s why it’s such a fundamental tool for reaching your goals, achieving your dreams, and succeeding, in this journey we call life 

2. Competence
"If you commit to excellence, opportunities will always come your way. The harder you work, the better you get." Moving forward in life would be an extreme challenge if you were lacking competence. In developing your own personal power so that you may dictate your life you must develop the competence it takes to get ahead.cluster of related abilities, commitments, knowledge, and skills that enable a person or an organization to act effectively in a job or situation.
Competence indicates sufficiency of knowledge and skills that enable someone to act in a wide variety of situations. Because each level of responsibility has its own requirements, competence can occur in any period of a person's life or at any stage of his or her carrier 

3. Concentration
"Make the best use of your time. Ask yourself “Is this the best use of my time?” before you start anything." What is concentration? Concentration implies, first, an ability to release one’s thoughts and emotions from all other interests and involvements, and second, an ability to focus them on a single object or state of awareness. Concentration may assume various manifestations, from a dynamic outpouring of energy to perfectly quiescent perceptions. On every level of mental activity, it is concentration that is the key to success. What is not generally known is that a concentrated mind succeeds not only because it can solve problems with greater dispatch, but also because problems have a way of somehow vanishing before its focused energies, without even requiring to be solved. A concentrated mind often attracts opportunities for success that, to less focused individuals, appear to come by sheer luck. Concentration on the breath, unlike other forms of concentration, leads naturally to meditation. Concentration on a project may bring about its completion, but that is not in itself an inducement to meditation. By concentration on the breath, however, the breath actually diminishes, until breathing is automatically and effortlessly suspended in breathlessness. 

4. Common sense
"Train your mind
think things through
listen to your intuition
learn from setbacks"Sometimes we have the ability to really make a simple situation much more complicated than it has to be. Where as if we slowed things down a bit and used some common sense everything would appear different to us. Common sense is good sense and sound judgment in practical matters. What this definition means is having good judgment on the right and wrong things in life. Some words that are similar to the meaning of common sense is good sense, sense, native wit, sensibleness, judgment, levelheadedness, prudence, discernment, canniness,astuteness,wisdom,insight,perception,practicality,capability,resourcefulness, gumption, savvy,and smarts. These are just a few words that are very alike when it comes to common sense. An example of common sense is if your in a situation that you need to have the common sense to do it right and efficiently. Most people have the incapability to do that so they will struggle in most situations. 

5. Creativity
"Except the fact that every human being is a genius.  The hallmark of creativity is asking questions.  The people who are most creative ask the most questions." What this key is trying to say is creative people are people who ask the most question, and with asking questions it is the definition of creativity. If you are not a creative person then you will be choosing the wrong. However if you are a creative and ask many questions you will be choosing the right. People are born with creativity no matter what they just don't show it enough but people are creative in many ways!
Image result for creativity

6. Consideration
"The quality of your relationships with other people will determine your success in life."
"Develop the people skills you need to become a better communicator.  Take courses in listening, speaking, etc."
"If you were to learn one new word a day, within 5 years, you’ll be the best educated person in history." Consideration means careful thought, typically over a period of time. A basic meaning of this means just having a positive and caring thought about a person or a situation. The act of showing true consideration for others can open more doors for you than most any other characteristic you may hold. Image result for consideration

7. Consistency
"Dependable, steady predictable work is always superior to fast spurts of work."

Be consistent in your relationships, your family, friends, your boss, your work.  Be the person that people can depend upon.  That if you say you’ll do something you do it.." A basic meaning of the word consistency is conformity in the application of something, typically that which is necessary for the sake of logic, accuracy, or fairness. An example of being consistent is when you are consistent and refusing not to give up on the people or ideas you care about the most like family, friends, work,and even yourself.  Image result for consistency
Image result for commitment
8. Commitment
"No success is possible without commitment.  The ability to commit yourself whole heartily is the basis of achieving all success."

"Become totally absorbed in your work.  Be totally committed." The word commitment can mean lots of positive and interesting things. A couple of words that mean the same thing but in a more positive way than it already sounds is  dedication, devotion, allegiance, loyalty,  and faithfulness. All of these words have a positive sound to them. But they all mean one thing and it id to have devotion and willingness in you work no matter what it is. An example of being committed is when you devote your self in to studying or an exam and you don't let the little things distract you. That is devotion to you work other wise known as commitment.

9. Courage
"The fear of failure is the single greatest reason for failure in life." " Fear of Failure is the single greatest reason for failure in life."
Reflection: The word courage means to me is to have the ability to face something really scary or something you are afraid of and just having the ability to come to face it. The word courage has a very important meaning to it to me because i have never had the ability to have courage not once in my life because i was so afraid of all the bad possibilities. Courage to me is strength in the face of pain or grief.An example of courage is say you are a person that has a crush on someone and you do not have the courage to tell them how you feel. But to get through life what you need is the courage even if its a little or a whole lot at least you have the the ability to know you have courage. If i did not have courage i would not be the person i am today. Image result for courage

10. Confidence
"You only get confidence by doing things over and over again." Confidence is not something that can be learned.It alsohas other meaning to it like confidence is a state of mind and positive thinking, practice, training, knowledge and talking to other people are all useful ways to help improve or boost your confidence levels.An example of having or growing into confidence is when you are really shy. When you are really shy to your self you have no type of confidence because you have that huge part of you that always holds you back from doing the courages thing. Every shy person needs courage and Lots of confidence. With out these two things the habit of being shy will grow. I should know because i was like that i would let my shyness get the best of me untill i gaind confidence and after i gaind confidence i became a whole diffriend and positive person now. This truly effected me in the most positive way because i f i would have remaind shy and not have taken the risk i would have been ther same person ever since i was little.
Quote: "All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence, and then success is sure." 
Reflection: The 10 keys to Personal Power have really benefited me to be more proactive, Confidence, having more courage, commitment,Consistency, Consideration,Creativity, Clarity,Common Sense, and Competence. All of the ten keys has really helped now and even in the past. In the past i learned these since middle school. My 8th grade leadership teacher taught the class about these types of things. The keys that i am applying to my life is to be confident and to have courage because i do not have a tone of confidence or courage what so ever. So far it is starting to make a difference little by little every day.  The way that i plan on having incorporate the other keys into your Life Planning goals/ plans is to find things i can do that incorporate the rest of the ten keys to personal power. 

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