Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Class Evaluation

1. Things I liked about this class is that from first semester the class did 2 scratch projects they were cool. Learned how to code HTML and other programming skills in Khan Academy. I also liked that we started the class with a pyramids of success or The Psychology of Winning. Another thing i liked about this class was that it's a positive class and we all need that some positivity in life or within us. 

2. Well, I didn't really dislike this all though the Khan Academy programming was a bit of a struggle and I didn't like it but it was part of the class duties. This class well Mr. Haymore are positive all the time reason being there was nothing to hate about this class this class is great and cool all the stuff we learn such as Khan, Scratch, and Coding is important if you want to work in Apple, Microsoft, Google and etc

3. My recommendation to improve in this class is to keep doing Khan Academy, Coding, and Scratch because they're fun to learn. Another things that I could improve in this class is that my life planning journal add more and more to it when you have free time in school or outside of school. 

4. Yes, I am reading my Life planning journals daily because it puts me closer to my goals i want to achieve in life. Those goals remind me that I could do it and that some day I will accomplish those goals i wrote down. Reading your goals will motivate you to achieve them because at the end it'll be worth it.

5. Yes, I am committed to be a CTR peroson. Why? Well being a CTR person will get you somewhere were you could achieve your goals and lead you to a road of successfulness. It will show that you're committed to do something and work hard for it matter the challenge you and make you take full responsibility on what you have to do in life or whatever it is you have to do.

6. I learned in this class how to achieve my goals and write them down if you're committed to them. It showed how to code maybe one day i'll be a computer engineer and what I learned in this class will help me be a computer engineer. I could also help anyone else that is looking forward to be a computer engineer.

7. I would always remember how positive this class was funny and sleepy. I would also remember how happy Mr. Haymore is and a very positive the ctr song I would always remember when I pass through Mr. Haymore's classroom. I would most importantly remember my life planning journals 5 minutes everyday whenever you can. 

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