Monday, October 30, 2017

Importance of Setting Goals 

The importance of setting goals is that when you get older you focus on your goals you want accomplish later in life for example if your goal is to go to a good university then reach for that goals no one is stopping you dream big!. You have to work hard and dedicate the goal if you're working hard everyday to set that goal and make it happen make sure you finish at the finish once you accomplish your goal reach for another goal you want to accomplish in life your start making your goals happen right now not later, not soon, and not tomorrow you start your goals now work hard through thin and thick you have to push yourself motivate yourself everyday to accomplish your goals your not alone you got friends and family that will be right there when your struggling YOUR GOAL AND FUTURE START NOW. 

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Duke University School of Medicine 

Degree Programs and Admissions:

Health Education Programs
>  The Doctor of Medicine (MD) Program
>  Medical Scientist Training Program (MD/PhD)
>  Doctor of Physical Therapy Program (DPT)
>  Physician Assistant Program (MHS)
>  Clinical Leadership Program (MHS)
>  Clinical Research Training Program (MHSc)

PhD Programs
Application to all biomedical graduate programs is through the Duke Graduate School. These programs are administered in the School of Medicine by the Office of Biomedical Graduate Education.

>  Biochemistry Program
>  Biostatistics 
>  Cell and Molecular Biology
>  Cell Biology Program
>  Cognitive Neuroscience
>  Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
>  Developmental & Stem Cell Biology

Student Services:

Student Services are offices and programs that support the students of the School of Medicine. The Office of the Registrar and Office of Financial Aid support multiple academic programs within the school. The Office of Admissions specifically serves the MD and MSTP programs as do the Offices of Curricular Affairs, Student Affairs and the Student Ombudsman.

Office of Admissions
Office of Curricular Affairs
Office of Financial Aid
Office of Student Affairs
Office of the Registrar

Faculty Resources: 

The School of Medicine consists of more than 2,200 academic and clinical faculty in 33 departments, centers and Institutes. Their combined efforts make Duke one of the largest biomedical research enterprises in the country, with almost $700 million in sponsored research expenditures annually and more than 9,743 patients on 645 active clinical trials.

The synergy among the School's physicians, researchers, educators, and staff offers unprecedented opportunities for teamwork among the scientists in our labs and caregivers in our hospitals and clinicsImage result for duke university

Friday, October 20, 2017

Freelance Post

My thoughts about the NBA season starting is good because there new teamates some good players like Kyrie Irving left cavaliers to join Boston Celtics and when the season started Haward broke his leg but hopefully he comes back with a healthy recovery also that my team Oklahoma City Thunder has good players Russell Westbrook, Paul George, Carmelo Anthony and some other people we going to the playoffs for sure! maybe even the NBA finals and win a championship! Image result for nba 2017 logo

Thursday, October 12, 2017

"Six rules to make people like you"

1. Become genuinely interested in other people
This rule means that if you want people to like you, you have to be interested in things they do or like because how about if you and that person have something in common? That'd be great because both of you guys are interested in each other and what you guys do also here's a quote "You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you."Image result for Become genuinely interested in other people

2. Smile
This rule means that if you smile and keep your head up people will think your a happy person and people will talk to you you always have to smile even if your going to problems always keep a smile on your face because eventually everything will get better you got friends and family that will help you but keep a smile and never a frown and if you see someone not having a good morning tell them a compliment and make them smile to brighten up there day. "Always remember to be happy because you never know who's falling in love with your smile" Image result for smile quotes

3. Remember Names 
This rule means that you have to remember people's name no matter what because if you meet new people and want to get to know them more you have to remember there name. If you meet this girl and you like her and she likes you, you really have remember his/her name its very important you do remember there names. Remembering things are good too it helps you with remembering things. Image result for remember names

4. Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves 
This rule means that you have be a good listener and encourage others to feel good about themselves you have to spread positive vibes and not bad ones because you want people to feel good about themselves and make them realize that they have a good life and good friends he/she has around them Image result for Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves

5. Talk in terms of the other man's interest 
This rule means that you should talk like the people or  girl your interested in talk like they do not like same attitude but talk in a meaningful way for you guys to understand eachother and relate to what both of you guys sayImage result for Talk in terms of the other man's interest

6. Make the other person feel important and do it sincerely 
This rule means that make sure the person you love or talk to feel important and knows that you're going to be there for them whenever make them feel special whenever your with the boy/girl make them feel loves, special, important, and cared for  Image result for Make the other person feel important and do it sincerely

Reflection: My opinions and thoughts about these six rules of people liking you these are good rules i liked rule is rule 2,3,4 and 6 because those for me are important we always have remember names it's very important because it the other person is interested in you and your interested in them but that's my opinion those rules are important to me and for the other people you guys should follow these rules too!

Friday, October 6, 2017

Artificial neural networks decode brain activity during performed and imagined movements

Filtering information for search engines, acting as an opponent during a board game or recognizing images: Artificial intelligence has far outpaced human intelligence in certain tasks. Several groups from the Freiburg excellence cluster BrainLinks-BrainTools led by neuroscientist private lecturer Dr. Tonio Ball are showing how ideas from computer science could revolutionize brain research. In the scientific journal Human Brain Mapping they illustrate how a self-learning algorithm decodes human brain signals that were measured by an electroencephalogram (EEG). It included performed movements, but also hand and foot movements that were merely thought of, or an imaginary rotation of objects. Even though the algorithm was not given any characteristics ahead of time, it works as quickly and precisely as traditional systems that have been created to solve certain tasks based on predetermined brain signal characteristics, which are therefore not appropriate for every situation.


Duties and Responsibilities:Provides for the oversight and financial management of Agency resources relating to programs and operations, ensuring strategic alignment with Agency vision and mission, including all resources aspects of the planning, programming, and budgeting process

Salary: $60,000-$142,722

Education: NASA is taking a leading role in the effort to inspire interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics through its unique mission, workforce, facilities, research, and innovations. Students, educators and faculty may explore and experience unique space and aeronautics content through NASA's education opportunities. Use the lists below to learn about ways to interact with NASA.

Demand for this profession:  General Overview

Reflection: Yes, i do want to work for NASA one day i’m really into science its one of the subjects i like.
Image result for nasa

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Freelance Post

My thoughts about Las Vegas mass shooting is just sad seeing a guy shoot his own people he killed 50+ people and more than 500 people were injured in Sunday night when it happened but why would he want to kill innocent people that were having fun with there friends at the concert it's just unfair they didn't deserve that at all in the news it says that it was "the deadliest mass shooting in modern america history he had 17 guns in his hotel room additional 18+ in his house